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The Hoya Rope, Hooooya.

Posted on 01/07/2014 at 8:45 pm by David Olsen / Winter 2012-2013


The Hoya Rope (or Hindu Rope, Hoya carnosa, etc.) is one of those interesting plants whose leaves at first glance make you go, “wait, wha?” It’s twisty, shapely, waxy leaves give this South Indian native spectacular eye appeal. Apparently, it’s virtually indestructible (Although I destroyed mine. Too much water? Too little sun? I have no idea, the leaves turned yellow and practically melted off. I am pretty sure I over watered it. It’s a little embarrassing).

Once the Hoya reaches maturity (after several years of life), it will flower. I have never seen this in real life, but I’m sure it’s pretty awesome:

Hoya Flower




Just an fyi, we currently have a Hoya Rope for sale (the first photo above) in a ceramic orange pot. It looks great sitting on it’s pedestal in the shop, but if you’re like me and enjoy a good macrame project, you can certainly take this plant to new heights (pun intended).

Hoya Macrame
Hoya Macrame



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